Monday, September 18, 2006

Like vs. Love 

Like is when that guy you have a history with calls you when he is drunk.

Love is when that guy you you have a history with calls you when he is drunk and you are together in the same restaurant.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Checking in 

This is really just a post to check in with you all. Let you know that I am alive and doing well. I am 18 pages into my 40-60 page thesis. I had an f-in great time in Edinburgh. Saw tons of great shows, which I hope to eventually discuss in detail at a later point, including giving the awards that Maya and I devised, our own personal Tonys. But best title definitely goes to Reginald D. Hunters: Pride & Prejudice & Niggas, not to mention that he is one witty SOB.

Don't know, I feel like roundabout swearing today.

Tomorrow is my first day of work! I am as excited as____________. Hmmm. I couldn't think of an analogy as quickly as I had hoped for. A wino with a freshly opened bottle? A dog that spots a fresh pile of other dog doo?

This isn't going so well. Any other suggestions?

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